12 Things to Do in Kodaikanal: A Journey through Nature's Paradise

Kodaikanal is a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

Things to Do


60-acre man-made lake at town's center. Boat, fish or stroll and enjoy serene surroundings.

Explore Kodai Lake


Scenic promenade with panoramic views of the valley below. Walk and take in the breathtaking vistas.

Visit Coakers Walk


Three 400ft rock formations. Trek up to the top for stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

Trek to Pillar Rocks


Botanical garden with a wide variety of flowers, plants and trees. Stroll and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Visit Bryant Park


Scenic waterfall in the heart of the forest. Trek through the forest, take a dip in the cool waters.

Explore Bear Shola Falls


Dense forest filled with tall pine trees. Take a peaceful walk and enjoy the natural beauty.

Walk in Pine Forest


One of the oldest solar observatories in the world. Take a guided tour and learn about the study of the sun.

Visit Kodai Solar Observatory


Viewpoint with a stunning view of the valley below. Trek up and enjoy panoramic vistas.

Enjoy the view from Dolphin's Nose


Highest waterfall in Tamil Nadu. Trek and take a dip in the cool waters.

Take a dip in Thalaiyar Falls


Ancient caves believed to be over 5000 years old. Explore and learn about their history and significance.

Visit Guna Caves


You can take a horse ride around the town and enjoy the scenic beauty of Kodaikanal.

Go on a horse ride


Scenic viewpoint with breathtaking view of the valley below. Trek up and enjoy panoramic vistas.

Visit Green Valley View


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