White Lightning

12 Best Places to Visit in Thailand


Places To visit 


The bustling capital city with vibrant nightlife, grand temples, and mouth-watering street food.

Chiang Mai

A historic city in northern Thailand with ancient temples, night markets, and lush greenery.


A tropical island known for its stunning beaches, lively nightlife, and water sports.


A province with pristine beaches, towering limestone cliffs, and numerous offshore islands.


A UNESCO World Heritage Site and ancient capital of Thailand with impressive ruins and temples.


Another UNESCO World Heritage Site, famous for its well-preserved ancient ruins and temples.

Koh Samui

A beautiful island with crystal clear waters, palm-lined beaches, and luxurious resorts.


A laid-back hippie town in northern Thailand with a scenic countryside, hot springs, and waterfalls.


A province in western Thailand with beautiful national parks, waterfalls, and the infamous Bridge over the River Kwai.

Hua Hin

A popular beach resort town with a lively night market, beautiful beaches, and plenty of water sports


A vibrant coastal city known for its nightlife, water sports, and beautiful beaches.

Chiang Rai

A city in northern Thailand with stunning temples, vibrant night markets, and access to the Golden Triangle region

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