10 Things to do in  Oxford


Explore one of the oldest libraries in Europe, known for its stunning architecture and vast collection of books and manuscripts.

Visit the Bodleian Library


Wander through the historic colleges, including Christ Church, Magdalen, and New College, and learn about the university's rich history and famous alumni.

Take a tour of Oxford University


Rent a punt and glide along the scenic river, passing by meadows, gardens, and iconic landmarks like the Botanic Garden and the University Parks.

Punt on the River Cherwell


Delve into art and archaeology at the Ashmolean, home to a diverse range of exhibits spanning centuries and cultures.

Discover the Ashmolean Museum


Ascend this medieval tower for panoramic views of the city's spires, rooftops, and surrounding countryside.

Climb to the top of Carfax Tower


Relax in this peaceful oasis, featuring a wide variety of plant species, tranquil ponds, and thematic gardens.

Stroll through the University Botanic Garden


Wander through this historic market, filled with independent shops, eateries, and stalls selling everything from fresh produce to unique gifts.

Explore the Covered Market


Enjoy a play, musical, or comedy show at this renowned theater, which has been entertaining audiences for over 80 years.

Attend a performance at the Oxford Playhouse


Marvel at the exhibits showcasing the natural world, including dinosaur skeletons, minerals, and specimens collected by pioneering scientists.

Visit the Museum of Natural History


Follow in the footsteps of famous authors like J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Lewis Carroll, exploring sites like the Eagle and Child pub.

Take a walking tour of Oxford's literary landmarks


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