10 Fun Things to do in Guangzhou


Take a trip to the iconic Canton Tower, one of the tallest structures in the world.


Visit the Canton Tower

Escape the urban hustle and bustle by wandering through the serene Yuexiu Park. Admire scenic lakes, historic monuments like the Five-Ram Sculpture, and lush greenery.


Explore Yuexiu Park

Indulge in retail therapy at Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street, a bustling shopping district known for its traditional architecture, vibrant atmosphere, and a wide array of shops selling everything from souvenirs to local delicacies.


Shop at Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street

Treat your taste buds to authentic Cantonese cuisine, particularly dim sum, a style of bite-sized dishes served in bamboo steamers.


Feast on Dim Sum

Embark on a scenic cruise along the Pearl River, offering panoramic views of Guangzhou's skyline illuminated by dazzling lights at night.


Cruise the Pearl River

Experience thrills and excitement at Chimelong Paradise, one of China's largest amusement parks.


Visit Chimelong Paradise

Immerse yourself in history and culture at the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall, a magnificent complex showcasing traditional Cantonese architecture, intricate wood carvings, and fascinating exhibits.


Explore the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall

Step back in time as you wander through the colonial-era buildings and tree-lined streets of Shamian Island.


Stroll Along Shamian Island

Marvel at the futuristic design of the Guangzhou Opera House, a stunning architectural masterpiece designed by Zaha Hadid.


Visit the Guangzhou Opera House

Explore traditional villages, watch cultural performances, and learn about local customs and traditions.


Discover the Lingnan Impression Park

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