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Skydiving in India

Skydiving in India: An Ultimate Thrilling Adventure

If you’re looking for an adrenaline-packed adventure in India, skydiving should definitely be on your list. Skydiving is a thrilling sport that involves jumping out of an airplane at high altitude and freefalling through the sky before deploying a parachute and gliding back to the ground. India is a country that offers a wide range of skydiving experiences for both beginners and professionals. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about skydiving in India, including the best places to skydive, the cost of skydiving, safety precautions, and more.

History of Skydiving in India

Skydiving in India has been around for several decades, but it wasn’t until the early 2000s that the sport gained popularity. The first skydiving club in India, the Indian Parachuting Federation (IPF), was established in 1951. The IPF has been instrumental in promoting skydiving as a sport in India and has trained thousands of skydivers over the years. Today, there are several skydiving clubs and drop zones in India that offer a range of skydiving experiences.

Types of Skydiving

There are three main types of skydiving: tandem skydiving, solo skydiving, and accelerated freefall (AFF).

Tandem Skydiving

Skydiving in India
Tandem Skydiving | Types of Skydiving

Tandem skydiving is the most popular form of skydiving for beginners. In tandem skydiving, the student is attached to an experienced instructor who is in charge of all aspects of the jump. This type of skydiving requires minimal training and is a great way to experience the thrill of skydiving without the added responsibility of deploying the parachute.

Solo Skydiving

Skydiving in India
Solo Skydiving | Types of Skydiving

Solo skydiving is the next step up from tandem skydiving. In solo skydiving, the student jumps alone but is still connected to an instructor via radio. This type of skydiving requires a higher level of training and is a great way to develop your skills as a skydiver.

Accelerated Freefall

Skydiving in India
Accelerated Freefall | Types of Skydiving

Accelerated freefall is the most advanced form of skydiving. In accelerated freefall, the student jumps alone but is accompanied by two instructors who hold on to the student during the jump. This type of skydiving requires the most training and is for experienced skydivers only.

Best Places to Skydive in India

India has several world-class skydiving drop zones that offer a range of skydiving experiences. Here are some of the best places to skydive in India.


Skydiving in India
Mysore | Best Places to Skydive in India

Mysore is a popular skydiving destination in India and is known for its beautiful scenery and favorable weather conditions. The Mysore drop zone is located at an altitude of 10,000 feet and offers tandem and solo skydiving experiences.


Skydiving in India
Dhana | Best Places to Skydive in India

Dhana is another popular skydiving destination in India, located in the central state of Madhya Pradesh. The Dhana drop zone is situated at an altitude of 4,500 feet and offers tandem and solo skydiving experiences.

Aamby Valley

Skydiving in India
Aamby Valley | Best Places to Skydive in India

Aamby Valley, located in Maharashtra, is a luxury resort that also offers skydiving experiences. The Aamby Valley drop zone is situated at an altitude of 10,000 feet and offers tandem and solo skydiving experiences.


Skydiving in India
Deesa | Best Places to Skydive in India

Deesa is a small town in the western state of Gujarat that is rapidly gaining popularity as a skydiving destination. The Deesa drop zone is located at an altitude of 6,000 feet and offers tandem and solo skydiving experiences.


Skydiving in India
Pondicherry | Best Places to Skydive in India

Pondicherry is a coastal town in the southern state of Tamil Nadu that offers skydiving experiences over the Bay of Bengal. The Pondicherry drop zone is located at an altitude of 10,000 feet and offers tandem and solo skydiving experiences.

What to Expect During Your Skydiving Experience

Skydiving is an exhilarating experience that requires some preparation beforehand. Here’s what you can expect during your skydiving experience.

Preparing for Your Jump

Before your jump, you’ll need to undergo a brief training session where you’ll learn about safety procedures, equipment, and basic skydiving techniques. You’ll also be fitted with a jumpsuit, helmet, goggles, and other necessary gear.

The Jump

Once you’re ready, you’ll board the airplane and ascend to the drop zone. During the ascent, you’ll have a chance to enjoy the stunning views from above. Once you reach the desired altitude, you’ll exit the airplane with your instructor or solo.


During the freefall, you’ll experience the ultimate thrill of skydiving as you plummet towards the ground at high speed. The freefall typically lasts for around 60 seconds and is an adrenaline-packed experience like no other.

Parachute Descent

Once your instructor or you have deployed the parachute, you’ll begin your descent towards the ground. During this time, you’ll have a chance to enjoy the scenery and control your parachute under the guidance of your instructor.

Safety Precautions

Skydiving is a safe sport when done correctly, but it’s important to take certain precautions to ensure your safety. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind.

Choose a Reputable Drop Zone

Make sure to choose a drop zone that has a good reputation and experienced instructors.

Follow Safety Instructions

Listen carefully to your instructor’s safety instructions and follow them to the letter.

Check Your Gear

Make sure your gear is properly fitted and in good condition before your jump.

Be Physically Fit

Skydiving requires a certain level of physical fitness, so make sure you’re in good health before your jump.

Cost of Skydiving in India

The cost of skydiving in India varies depending on the drop zone and the type of skydiving experience you choose. Tandem skydiving typically costs between Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 35,000, while solo skydiving and AFF are more expensive. Some drop zones also offer video and photo packages for an additional fee.

Benefits of Skydiving

Skydiving offers several benefits, including:

Adrenaline Rush

Skydiving in India
Adrenaline Rush | Benefits of Skydiving

Skydiving is a great way to get an adrenaline rush and experience the ultimate thrill.

Overcome Fear

Skydiving in India
Overcome Fear | Benefits of Skydiving

Skydiving can help you overcome your fears and develop a sense of confidence and courage.


Skydiving in India
Scenery | Benefits of Skydiving

Skydiving allows you to enjoy stunning scenery from a unique perspective and appreciate the beauty of the landscape from above.

Unique Experience

Skydiving in India
Unique Experience | Benefits of Skydiving

Skydiving is a unique experience that you’ll never forget, and it’s a great way to add excitement to your life.


Skydiving in India is an ultimate thrilling adventure that offers a unique experience that you’ll never forget. With several world-class drop zones and experienced instructors, skydiving in India is safe, exciting, and accessible to everyone. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skydiver, there’s a skydiving experience in India that’s perfect for you. So, book your jump today and get ready for the ride of a lifetime!


  1. Is skydiving safe in India?

    Yes, skydiving in India is safe when done correctly and at reputable drop zones with experienced instructors.

  2. Can I skydive if I have a fear of heights?

    Yes, many people with a fear of heights have successfully completed a skydive and overcome their fear.

  3. How long does a skydive last?

    A skydive typically lasts around 4 to 5 minutes, including the freefall and parachute descent.

  4. Do I need any special skills or training to go skydiving?

    No, most types of skydiving, including tandem skydiving, require minimal training and do not require any special skills.

  5. Can I bring a camera or phone with me during the jump?

    Most drop zones do not allow personal cameras or phones during the jump for safety reasons. However, some drop zones offer video and photo packages for an additional fee.

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