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Places to visit in Hamp

Places to visit in Hampi: “Beyond the Ruins”

Hampi, a town in the southern state of Karnataka, India, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is rich in history and culture, and in this article, we will explore the top places to visit in Hampi, each of which has its own unique charm and significance.

Dating back to history, Hampi was the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire, which ruled South India from the 14th to the 16th century. Today, Hampi is a popular tourist destination that offers a glimpse into the past with its beautiful architecture, stunning temples, and scenic landscapes. From ancient temples to beautiful lakes and hills, there is no shortage of things to see and places to visit in Hampi.

Scroll down and start exploring the enchanting landscapes and top places to visit in Hampi.

Virupaksha Temple – Top places to visit in Hampi

Places to visit in Hampi
Virupaksha Temple – Top places to visit in Hampi

Virupaksha Temple is a famous and ancient Hindu temple located in Hampi, a town in the southern state of Karnataka, India. This temple is the most important religious center in Hampi and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is one of the most important places to visit in Hampi and a must-visit for any tourist interested in exploring the rich cultural heritage of India.


The temple is located on the banks of the Tungabhadra River, near the Hampi Bazaar. It is easily accessible by road, and there are several buses and taxis available from Hospet, which is the nearest town to Hampi. The temple is open every day from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM, and there is no entry fee.

Architecture and Significance:

The Virupaksha Temple was originally built in the 7th century and has been renovated and expanded over the years. It is an excellent example of Dravidian architecture and has many intricate carvings and sculptures that depict scenes from Hindu mythology. People who love architecture can consider this among the top places to visit in Hampi. The temple has a tall gopuram (tower) at the entrance that is adorned with elaborate carvings and sculptures. The main sanctum of the temple houses a lingam (an abstract representation of Lord Shiva) that is worshipped by devotees.

The temple has several other shrines and mandapas (pillared halls) that are also worth exploring. One of the highlights of the temple is the Ranga Mandapa, which has 100 pillars that are beautifully carved with images of gods and goddesses. The temple also has a large courtyard where devotees gather to offer prayers and perform rituals. So, it is one of the most loved places to visit in Hampi.

Festivals and Celebrations:

The Virupaksha Temple is the site of many festivals and celebrations throughout the year. One of the most popular festivals is the Hampi Utsav, which is held every year in November. This festival celebrates the culture and heritage of Hampi and attracts a large number of visitors from all over the world. Other important festivals celebrated at the temple include Mahashivratri and Virupaksha Car Festival.

Tourist Experience:

As a tourist visiting the Virupaksha Temple, you will be amazed by the grandeur and beauty of the temple. You can witness the traditional Hindu rituals being performed by the priests and devotees, and experience the spiritual energy of the temple. It is advisable to wear modest clothing and remove your shoes before entering the temple.

The Virupaksha Temple is a must-visit place in Hampi that offers an insight into the rich cultural heritage of India. Its architecture, history, and spiritual significance make it a fascinating place to explore, and it is a great opportunity to witness the traditional Hindu rituals and experience the spiritual energy of the temple. Thus, it is one of the greatest places to visit in Hampi.

Hampi Bazaar – Fun places to visit in Hampi

Places to visit in Hampi
Hampi Bazaar – Fun places to visit in Hampi

Hampi Bazaar is a bustling street market located in the heart of the town of Hampi. It is situated at the foot of the Virupaksha Temple, which is one of the most important religious centers in Hampi. The bazaar is a popular destination for tourists, as it offers a unique shopping experience that is steeped in local culture and history. You can include it in your places to visit in Hampi list for a fun experience.

The market is a long, narrow street that stretches for about one kilometer. It is lined with small shops and stalls that sell a variety of items, including traditional handicrafts, souvenirs, clothing, jewelry, and more. The market is also a great place to sample local food and drink, with many street vendors offering tasty snacks and refreshing drinks.

Hampi Bazaar is a great place to experience the vibrant atmosphere of Hampi. The market is always crowded with locals and tourists, creating a lively and bustling environment. It is also a great place to interact with the locals and learn more about the culture and traditions of Hampi. So, you can get the best out of places to visit in Hampi when exploring this Bazaar.

When visiting Hampi Bazaar, it is important to keep in mind that bargaining is a common practice in Indian markets. Visitors should be prepared to negotiate the price of items with the vendors. It is also important to be aware of your surroundings and keep your belongings safe, as the market can be crowded and busy.

Matanga Hill – Top places to visit in Hampi

Places to visit in Hampi

Matanga Hill is a popular tourist destination located in Hampi, Karnataka, India. It is a prominent hill that stands tall at a height of 515 meters, offering a breathtaking view of the surrounding area. The hill is located to the east of the Hampi Bazaar and is situated on the south bank of the Tungabhadra River. It is also one of the most loved places to visit in Hampi.

Matanga Hill is known for its historical significance, as it is believed to be the place where the famous sage Matanga performed penance. The hill also has religious significance, as it is home to the Veerabhadra Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, and the Matanga Devi Temple, dedicated to Goddess Parvati.

To reach the top of the hill, visitors have to climb a series of stairs. The climb can be quite steep and challenging, so it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes and carry water. The climb is also best undertaken during the early hours of the day, as it can get quite hot during the day. You can explore such places to visit in Hampi during the early hours.

Once visitors reach the top of the hill, they are rewarded with stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area. From the top of Matanga Hill, visitors can see the entire city of Hampi, the Tungabhadra River, and the surrounding hills. It is a popular spot to watch the sunrise and sunset.

Apart from the scenic beauty and religious significance, Matanga Hill is also a popular spot for photography. Visitors can capture some breathtaking shots of the surrounding landscape from the top of the hill. So, it is one of the most important places to visit in Hampi that are scenic.

Matanga Hill is a must-visit destination in Hampi, Karnataka. Its location, historical and religious significance, and scenic beauty make it a popular spot for tourists. The climb to the top of the hill can be challenging, but the stunning views from the top make it all worthwhile.

Vittala Temple – Top places to visit in Hampi

Places to visit in Hampi
Vittala Temple – Top places to visit in Hampi

Vittala Temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Hampi, Karnataka, India. It is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Hampi due to its remarkable architecture and historical significance. The temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, known here as Vittala, and was built during the Vijayanagara Empire in the 15th century, making it one of the top places to visit in Hampi.

Location: The Vittala Temple is located on the southern bank of the Tungabhadra River in the Hampi Bazaar area, approximately 3 kilometers from the Hampi Bus Stand.

History: The construction of Vittala Temple began in the 15th century during the reign of King Devaraya II and was completed during the reign of his successor, King Krishnadevaraya. The temple is famous for its intricate carvings, especially the famous musical pillars, which are believed to produce musical notes when struck. The temple is also known for its iconic chariot-shaped shrine, known as the Stone Chariot, which is one of the most photographed monuments in Hampi.

Tourist Attractions: As a tourist, there is much to explore at the Vittala Temple. The temple complex consists of several halls, mandapas, shrines, and other structures, including a massive courtyard with a 56-pillared hall known as the Maha Mantapa. Other notable structures include the Ranga Mantapa, the Devi shrine, and the Kalyana Mantapa. The famous musical pillars can be found in the Ranga Mantapa, where visitors can experience the unique musical tones produced by striking the pillars. So, it is one of the top places to visit in Hampi.

Another popular attraction is the Stone Chariot, which is a shrine dedicated to Garuda, Lord Vishnu’s vehicle. The Stone Chariot is located in the courtyard of the temple and is carved from a single block of granite. Visitors can climb the steps of the chariot and explore its intricate carvings and details.

Visitors can also enjoy a beautiful view of the Tungabhadra River from the temple complex. There are also plenty of souvenir shops and vendors selling local handicrafts and snacks around the temple.

Tips for Visitors: Visitors should dress modestly and remove their shoes before entering the temple complex. It is advisable to visit early in the morning to avoid crowds and to take plenty of water and sun protection due to the hot climate. Additionally, visitors are not allowed to touch or strike the musical pillars to preserve their delicate carvings.

All this and much more make the Vittala Temple a must-visit destination for any tourist visiting Hampi. The temple’s intricate carvings, historical significance, and unique musical pillars make it popular among places to visit in Hampi for tourists from all over the world.

Lotus Mahal – Top places to visit in Hampi

Places to visit in Hampi
Lotus Mahal – Top places to visit in Hampi

Lotus Mahal is an important tourist attraction in Hampi, a UNESCO World Heritage site located in the state of Karnataka, India. The Lotus Mahal is a two-storeyed building located in the Zenana Enclosure, which was once the royal residence of the Vijayanagara Empire, making it one of the top places to visit in Hampi. It was built in the 16th century and is known for its unique architectural style, which is a mix of Hindu and Islamic design elements.

The Lotus Mahal is located in the center of the Zenana Enclosure, which is a walled area that was once exclusively reserved for the women of the royal household. This enclosure is located to the southeast of the royal palace and is surrounded by a high wall with towers and bastions at regular intervals. The enclosure has several buildings, including the Lotus Mahal, the queen’s palace, and the royal baths. So, it is definitely worth being on your places to visit in Hampi list.

The Lotus Mahal is a small, ornate building with a pyramidal roof and arched doorways. The most striking feature of the building is its lotus-shaped dome, which is why it is named the Lotus Mahal. The building is constructed of brick and mortar, and the outer walls are adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures. The interior of the building is decorated with frescoes and murals that depict scenes from the Ramayana and other Hindu epics. If you are interested in exploring places of historical importance, you must definitely add it to your places to visit in Hampi list.

Tourists can explore the Lotus Mahal and the other buildings in the Zenana Enclosure as part of a guided tour of Hampi. The best time to visit Hampi is during the winter months (November to February), when the weather is pleasant and cool. The Lotus Mahal is open to visitors from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm every day, and there is an entry fee of Rs. 10 for Indian nationals and Rs. 250 for foreign tourists.

Elephant Stables – Fun places to visit in Hampi

Places to visit in Hampi
Elephant Stables – Fun places to visit in Hampi

The Elephant Stables in Hampi is an iconic monument that offers visitors a glimpse into the rich history and culture of the region. Located in the heart of Hampi, Karnataka, India, the Elephant Stables are an architectural marvel that was built in the 15th century during the reign of the Vijayanagara Empire. It served as the royal stable for the elephants of the King and was used to house and train these magnificent animals. Its elegance makes it one of the top places to visit in Hampi.

The Elephant Stables are situated near the Zenana Enclosure and the Lotus Mahal. The location is easily accessible by road, and visitors can reach the site by bus, car, or bike. The nearest railway station is Hospet, which is located around 13 km from Hampi.

As a tourist, the Elephant Stables offer a unique experience that cannot be found at other places to visit in Hampi. The building is an impressive structure that showcases the remarkable craftsmanship and engineering skills of the Vijayanagara artisans. The monument consists of eleven domed chambers that were used to house the royal elephants of the King.

Each chamber has a raised platform where the elephants were tied and fed. The Stables are made of stone and have intricate carvings and designs that are a testament to the creativity and skill of the craftsmen. The design of the Elephant Stables is a perfect blend of Islamic and Hindu architecture, reflecting the diverse cultural influences of the region.

Apart from its historical significance, the Elephant Stables are also a popular tourist spot due to its breathtaking scenery. The surrounding landscape is stunning, with hills, boulders, and lush greenery all around. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll around the monument, explore the intricate carvings, and take in the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Achyutaraya Temple – Top places to visit in Hampi

Places to visit in Hampi
Achyutaraya Temple – Top places to visit in Hampi

Achyutaraya Temple is a popular Hindu temple located in Hampi, Karnataka. It is dedicated to Lord Venkateswara, who is also known as Lord Tirupati Balaji. The temple was built by King Achyuta Raya during the Vijayanagara Empire in the 16th century. The temple is renowned for its exquisite architecture and is considered to be one of the prime examples of the Vijayanagara style of architecture. For architecture lovers, it is one of the top places to visit in Hampi.


The Achyutaraya Temple is located in Hampi, which is approximately 350 km from Bangalore. Hampi is easily accessible by road, rail, and air. The nearest airport is Jindal Vijayanagar Airport in Bellary, which is about 60 km away from Hampi.

Tourist Attractions:

The temple is famous for its intricate carvings, pillars, and the massive gopuram (gateway). The temple is divided into three parts – the Mukha Mantapa, Antarala, and the Garbhagriha. The Mukha Mantapa is a large hall that leads to the Antarala, which is a smaller hall that leads to the Garbhagriha, where the idol of Lord Venkateswara is located. This tourist attraction is one of the top places to visit in Hampi.

  1. Visiting Tips:
  2. It is advisable to visit the temple early in the morning to avoid the crowds and heat.
  3. Dress modestly and remove your shoes before entering the temple.
  4. Do not touch or climb on the carvings and sculptures in the temple.
  5. Hire a guide to learn about the history and significance of the temple.
  6. Carry water, sunscreen, and a hat to protect yourself from the sun.

The Achyutaraya Temple in Hampi is a must-visit among all places to visit in Hampi for anyone interested in history, culture, and architecture. It is a popular tourist destination and attracts visitors from all over the world. The temple is a testimony to the rich cultural heritage of India and is definitely worth a visit.

Tungabhadra River – Top places to visit in Hampi

Places to visit in Hampi
Tungabhadra River – Top places to visit in Hampi

The Tungabhadra River is a significant river in the Deccan Plateau that flows through the state of Karnataka, and Hampi is situated on its banks.

Tourist Attractions: The Tungabhadra River is the lifeline of Hampi and one of the best places to visit in Hampi. Tourists can indulge in various activities while visiting this place. Here are some of the major attractions:

Boat Rides: Tourists can take a boat ride on the Tungabhadra River, which is a refreshing experience. The boat ride offers an excellent view of the surrounding landscape, including the rocky hills, ancient temples, and forts.

Coracle Rides: Coracle rides are popular in Hampi, and it is a unique way to explore the Tungabhadra River. These round-shaped boats are made of bamboo and have a canvas cover. Thus, people who look forward to doing some unique things in Hampi can include it in their places to visit in Hampi list.

Riverside Temples: There are several ancient temples located on the banks of the Tungabhadra River, and they are a must-visit for tourists. Some of the popular ones are the Virupaksha Temple, Achyutaraya Temple, and Vittala Temple.

Hampi Bazaar: Hampi Bazaar is a famous street market that runs parallel to the Tungabhadra River. It is an excellent place to buy souvenirs, handicrafts, and other local items. So, it is one of the top places to visit in Hampi.

Sunset View: The Tungabhadra River offers a picturesque view of the sunset, which is a beautiful experience.

Hampi Utsav: The Hampi Utsav is a cultural festival that is celebrated annually in November, and it is a great way to experience the local culture.

Overall, visiting the Tungabhadra River in Hampi is a delightful experience, and tourists can explore the rich history and culture of this ancient city.

Anjaneya Hill – Places to visit in Hampi

Places to visit in Hampi
Anjaneya Hill – Places to visit in Hampi

Anjaneya Hill, also known as Anjanadri Hill and is one of the popular tourist attractions in Hampi and is revered for its religious significance.

Location: The hill is located on the northern bank of the Tungabhadra River, at a distance of about 4 km from the main Hampi Bazaar area. It is one of the most accessible scenic places to visit in Hampi.

Significance: Anjaneya Hill is believed to be the birthplace of Lord Hanuman. It is said that Hanuman was born to the monkey king Kesari and his wife Anjana on this hill, which is why it is named after his mother Anjana. The hill also has a temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman, which is visited by devotees from all over the country.

Trekking: The hill can be reached by a short trek of about 550 steps, which takes about 20-30 minutes to climb. The trek is relatively easy and is suitable for people of all ages. On the way to the top, you can enjoy the scenic views of the surrounding landscape and the Tungabhadra River. At the top of the hill, you can also get a panoramic view of Hampi and its surroundings, making it one of the top places to visit in Hampi.

Best time to visit: The best time to visit Anjaneya Hill is during the winter months from October to February, when the weather is cool and pleasant. The hill can also be visited during the monsoon season from July to September, when the surrounding area turns lush green.

Things to keep in mind: Since the hill is a religious site, visitors are expected to dress modestly and remove their footwear before entering the temple. It is also advisable to carry water and wear comfortable shoes for the trek. The hill is open from sunrise to sunset, and there is no entry fee to visit the temple or climb the hill. So, it is one of the best places to visit in Hampi.

For any visitor in Hampi, Anjaneya Hill is a must-visit destination. The trek to the top is a great way to enjoy the scenic beauty of the area and get a glimpse of the rich history and mythology of the region. It is also a great opportunity to offer prayers at the temple and seek blessings from Lord Hanuman.

Sanapur Lake – Scenic places to visit in Hampi

Places to visit in Hampi
Sanapur Lake – Scenic places to visit in Hampi

Sanapur Lake is a serene water body located in the Hampi region of Karnataka. The lake is a popular tourist spot and is frequented by tourists all year round. The lake is approximately 5 km from Hampi and can be easily reached by car, taxi or auto-rickshaw. It is one of the most places to visit in Hampi.

Sanapur Lake is surrounded by lush greenery, and its peaceful surroundings make it an ideal spot for relaxation and rejuvenation. Tourists can indulge in a wide range of activities here, such as boating, fishing, swimming, and birdwatching. The lake is also a popular spot for picnics and family outings, with many visitors bringing their own food and snacks to enjoy on the banks of the lake. So, it is one of the best places to visit in Hampi for people looking to spend some fun time with their families.

One of the unique features of Sanapur Lake is the giant boulders that surround the water body. These boulders provide a stunning backdrop to the lake, making it a popular spot for photography enthusiasts. Tourists can also go on a trek to explore the surrounding hills, which offer breathtaking views of the lake and the surrounding landscapes.

Sanapur Lake is also known for its natural beauty and wildlife. Visitors can spot a wide range of bird species, including the Indian kingfisher, pied crested cuckoo, and the black drongo. The lake is also home to various species of fish, such as catfish and tilapia, making it a popular spot for fishing enthusiasts.

Overall, Sanapur Lake is one of the best places to visit in Hampi. The lake offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, adventure, and tranquillity, making it an ideal spot for a day trip or weekend getaway.

It’s a wrap!

In conclusion, Hampi is not just a tourist destination, but a treasure trove of historical and cultural significance. Its unique blend of natural beauty, architectural marvels, and religious landmarks offer an immersive and enriching experience. With every step, you take in this ancient city, you feel like you’re travelling back in time to a bygone era. So pack your bags and head to Hampi, the land of boulders, ruins, and spirituality, and immerse yourself in the magic of its incredible beauty and history. And don’t forget to explore these top places to visit in Hampi.

Also, don’t forget to explore the best time to visit Nepal if you are heading to this beautiful destination. You can even share it with someone planning their vacation to this beatiful destination.


  1. What is the best time to visit Hampi?

    The best time to visit Hampi is from October to March, as the weather is pleasant and ideal for exploring the city.

  2. How do I reach Hampi?

    The nearest airport is at Bellary, which is around 60 km away from Hampi. You can also take a train to Hospet, which is the nearest railway station. From Hospet, Hampi is only 13 km away.

  3. What are the top attractions in Hampi?

    The top attractions in Hampi include the Virupaksha Temple, Vittala Temple, Hampi Bazaar, Hemakuta Hill, Lotus Mahal, Elephant Stables, and the Tungabhadra River.

  4. Is Hampi safe for solo travellers?

    Hampi is generally safe for solo travellers, but it’s always important to take necessary precautions like staying in safe areas and being aware of your surroundings.

  5. What are the best places to stay in Hampi?

    There are many options for accommodations in Hampi, including guesthouses, hotels, and homestays. Some popular options include the Heritage Resort Hampi, Hampi’s Boulders, and the Clarks Inn Hampi.

  6. What are the must-try local dishes in Hampi?

    Some of the must-try local dishes in Hampi include Bisi Bele Bath, Uddina Vada, Jolada Rotti, Obbattu, and Holige.

  7. What are the off-beat places to visit in Hampi?

    Some of the off-beat places to visit in Hampi include the Sanapur Lake, Anjaneya Hill, and the Daroji Bear Sanctuary.

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